National Committee for a Human Life Amendment


The petition process for the Right to Abortion Initiative began in October of 2023. The proposed amendment that would insert a right to abortion in the state constitution was given to the secretary of state and currently stands in the position of acquiring signatures. Abortion proponents will need almost 125,000 signatures by July 5, 2024.  The state has a distribution requirement mandating that the number of signatures is determined by the number of registered voters from 5 percent of two-fifths of Nebraska’s 93 counties.

Currently, Nebraska allows abortions up to 12 weeks’ gestation, with exceptions for life of the mother.  If the proposed amendment were to pass it would allow abortion up to the point of “viability,” and then allow abortions after that for “health reasons.”  Among the many problems with this language, it would subject pregnant women to health and safety risks because it gives the power to any abortion practitioner (not a doctor) to determine who lives and who dies. Late-term abortions could cover a wide range of reasons and be performed on minors without consent of their parents.

Nebraskans are facing an extreme abortion measure that is dangerous, deceptive, and demeaning.  The Nebraska Catholic Conference (NCC) offers information on ways to speak up, sign-up, share and pray about the hazards of this initiative.  Go to NCC and get involved!

Every Nebraskan is needed to protect the life and dignity of women, girls, and babies by defeating this effort.