National Committee for a Human Life Amendment

South Dakota

The ballot initiative, which was put forward in 2022, would add a new section to Article VI of the South Dakota Constitution, which is the state’s Bill of Rights. The initiative would allow for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy by vaguely laying out by trimester framework how abortion might be regulated.   To get an initiated constitutional amendment certified for the 2024 ballot requires 35,017 valid signatures by May 7, 2024.

The abortion advocates claim to have the required number of signatures but are still making a heavy push in these final days leading up to the deadline.  In the meantime, the state legislature passed, and governor signed, a bill to allow signers of the ballot initiative petitions to revoke their signatures in case anyone signed due to misleading information or fraud. To learn more about the process go to Takeoffmyname.

The South Dakota Catholic Conference (SDCC) has issued several resources to help citizens understand what dramatic changes will take place if this amendment is passed.  According to the SDCC website: “We have a responsibility, as a community that cherishes all human life, to become informed on this proposal that threatens the lives of preborn children, and to educate our fellow citizens.” For more information click here.

The state legislators recently expressed their opposition to this proposed amendment in House Concurrent Resolution 6008, to read more click here.