I recently had dinner with a friend who was telling me about his journey of conversion towards the Catholic faith. He was still on the fence about abortion, he said,... read more →
Let’s be honest. We all spend an embarrassing amount of time on social media, liking selfies of people we don’t know, watching videos of recipes we will never make and... read more →
January 2nd was a federal holiday, so I walked up to the quaint, historic district of Old Town, Alexandria to do some shopping. Shortly after my errand, I was on... read more →
There has been so much election and transition talk recently in conventional and social media that you can’t get away from it! If you don’t know by now who has... read more →
The results of last week’s election might tempt those of us who work for the legal protection of every human life to sit on our laurels and assume that all... read more →
It has been 40 years since the Hyde Amendment first passed Congress and restricted our federal tax dollars from being used to pay for Medicaid abortions. A quick trip through... read more →
There's an old song that lauds the lazy, hazy days of summer. Well, perhaps this summer has been hazy at times, but there has been nothing lazy about it. The pro-life... read more →
In his late 19th century novel, The Island of Doctor Moreau, H.G. Wells tells a chilling, futuristic story about a doctor on a Pacific island who is performing horrific experiments to craft... read more →
I am on my way to the Diocese of Salina in Kansas where I will have the honor of addressing some of my heroes. I will be speaking tomorrow at... read more →
It is high summer here in DC and that can only mean one thing! It is almost time for the annual Diocesan Pro-Life Leadership Conference sponsored by the USCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life... read more →